What moves us

The primary motivation behind the eurythmy education, was a lack of new eurythmy teachers in Denmark and Northern Europe. The situation required initiatives for new course of action to emphasize the meaning of the relation between movement and learning in the future. To train emphatically for these fields is an essential aspect of the training focusing specifically on kindergarten to twelfth grade pedagogy. Their content and examples are specifically tailored to practical application and are related methodically as well as didactic to the precise age of the pupils. In this sense all the tools of basic Eurythmy are being considered. Hands-on training will be absolved from the start in the chosen vocational field. Already being tried out: Waldorfschools, Kindergarten, EurythmyTherapy. Further ones being worked on.

In connection with an extended concept of art (Social Sculpture) it is about discovering and unfolding the artist and creator within. To this end stage experience and presence are practiced and in addition supported by courses in speech formation and music and performances within and/or for various occasions are part of the training.
In a world that zealously pushes the mechanization of humans and the ‘humanization’ of machines, is the assurance of the self anchord in theĀ  I AM of utter importance.


With a successful completion of an I.I.M basics and postgraduate course, you are entitled to teach at Waldorfschools and Kindergartens within Denmark. Furthermore, you will be able to offer independent courses targeted at different groups and to work with eurythmy artistically. For other countries other degrees may be necessary to work with eurythmy. In Germany and in the Netherlands a Bachelor or Master of Arts Certification is required.

In cooperation with the Section for the Performing Arts, part of the Free School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, an international diploma in Eurythmy can be pursued. Mentors in this process until 2021 were the professors of Alanus University Andrea Heidekorn & Alexander Seeger.